Yorta Yorta Traditional Owner Land Management Agreement
In 2010 the Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation entered into an agreement with the State of Victoria. This agreement ensured that the recently created Barmah National Park would be run on the principles of joint management, as has been seen in other similar examples around the country such as Uluru and Kakadu.
The management plan that is being written is expected to cover the following issues:
- conservation of natural values and cultural values;
- managing threatened species;
- the recognition, practice and utilisation of traditional Yorta Yorta knowledge and customs;
- attracting and managing visitors;
- managing authorised and adjacent uses (including third party interests);
- community awareness and involvement;
- managing public use and access to the land;
- plan implementation;
- providing operational support to the board
- promoting, encouraging, and assisting YY persons to take advantage of employment, training and contracting opportunities relating to the appointed land;
- managing commercial and other land use activities;
- managing fire consistently with the secretary’s directions; and
- any additional matters contained in relevant ministerial guidelines